Sunday, March 30, 2008

SMS / SCCM Books

I have been asked if I have any SMS or SCCM books.
Well in the beginning I typically purchase the companion guide that is produced. I haven't purchansed other books. I do read alot of tech articles and community posts that help out. Below is just one link to a collection of SMS/SCCM books. Many of the scripts that worked for SMS 2003 will continue to function in SCCM.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator's Companion

Mastering System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 Unleashed

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3 Complete

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The Configuration Manager 2007 Software Development Kit (SDK) has been released and is now available on the Microsoft Download Center:

This concludes the beta program for this release. Please discontinue use of and remove all copies of the pre-release builds.

Thank you for your participation and feedback.
-ConfigMgr SDK Team-

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SCCM Collections with apostrophes '

In SMS you could have a collection with an apostrophe but in SCCM you currently can't do limited queires based on the collection.


Example 1
Collection: Bob's Department
Limted: Not limited

Example 2
Collection: Departments
Limted: Bob's Department

If you created a collection with a limit based on a collection that has an apostrophe the Admin UI will crash. Sorry. Hopefully this will be corrected in SP1. This had to do with passing the characters safely.

Monday, March 3, 2008

MMS 2008 presentation

Well I have been working on my presentation. Hopefully it goes well. I gave it to several people that I know work with both SMS and SCCM and they were impressed. None of them had extended like I had. Now I am sure their are others that have done more than I have. Lets see how it goes in April.