Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mainstream Support for SMS 2003 ends 1/10

Well, 1 week from today mainstream support for SMS 2003 ends. This means no more hotfixes or Design Request changes. It is time to move forward to ConfigMgr 2007. If you really don't want to move at this point you could hold out to some time in 2011 for the lastest ConfigMgr but you will be missing some great opportunities for your hierarchy. ConfigMgr 2007 R3 should be out in the next few months and this extends the product once again. This is also the first R3 release for any Microsoft product.

Configuration Manager MVP for 2010

Microsoft saw fit to award me as a MVP again. This will be my second year. Thank you Microsoft for the great opportunities that come as a MVP. Hopefully I doing some good out there for everyone.