With everyone shifting around boundaries in ConfigMgr, I thought it would be a good idea to give you way to read the logs to see if you missed a boundary, or if a boundary was missed.
MP_Location.log is updated when clients check-in, this is how they know where they are located.
If you are missing a boundary then download files and tickets are generated.
MP_GetAssignedSite (<ClientLocationInfo OnInternet="0"><ADSite Name="HOUSTON"/><Forest Name="foo.com"/><Domain Name="Hou.foo.com"/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/></IPAddresses><BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="0001-01-01 00:00:00.000"/></ClientLocationInfo>, <BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="2019-02-08T13:34:09.770"><DOINCServers/></BoundaryGroups>)
CHandleLocationRequest::CreateReply failed with error (80004005).
MP LM: Message discarded
The error "CreateReply failed with error (80004005)" is a good indicator of a problem with a boundary. Look at the line directly above this and you have the missing boundary. This could be a Subnet or IP subnet missing. If you are not discovering them automatically then you need to add it manually. If you are discovering them automatically, review the schedule.
This log and move very fast the more machines you have on the MP. Using this information boundaries can be auto create and even a notification sent that a boundary was missing but it was created for you.