Friday, November 23, 2007

Add computer to collection, Vbscript

Edit: October 25, 2008
I have added a better way of doing this via a right click
Here at This uses a HTA file so you can right click on a computer and add it to collections or right click on a computer in a collection or query and add it to multiple collections.


I didn't create the script but someone had asked if there was a way to add a computer to a collection. I have the .Net code to do it but here is the vbscript method. This can be used to add the current computer to a collection as soon as the computer has imaged or performed some other action.

' *************************************************************************
' === Initialize Variables and Constants
' *************************************************************************
Option Explicit ' --- Force Declaration of variables
' === Script arguments override ====
' These variables are for testing only. To test, assign values to the variables and then comment out
' the Comment-out the ValdateArguments()subrourtine. To restur, comment out the variables below, and
' uncomment the ValdateArguments() subroutine to allow original argument values to be passed to the script.
'TargetCollectionName = "#Test-AddUser"
'NewComputerName = "LT01385"
' *************************************************************************
' == SMS Envronment Variables
CONST SMSSiteCode = "xxx" ' --- SMS Server Central Site Code
CONST SMSServer = "xxxxx" ' --- SMS Server
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' === Script varables
DIM lLocator ' --- Object handle for WMI Scripting "Locator object" ?
DIM gService ' --- Object hanlde for WMI object model ConnectServer object ?
DIM ResID ' --- Store the SMS ResourceID for the desired resource
DIM RuleName ' --- Name for Membership Rule (label seen in SMS collection properties)
DIM AllComputersSet ' --- Object handle to store the query results of the SMS System_R_System table
DIM AllComputersItem ' --- Index variable used for the AllComputersSet Object Collection (Array)
DIM CollectionRule ' --- CollectionRule
DIM oCollectionSet ' --- Object handle to store collection names from table SMS_Collection
DIM CollListItem ' --- Index variable for Collection Object (Array)
DIM WshShell ' --- Object handle for WshShell object (Windows Script Host Shell)
DIM oFSO ' --- Object handle for the FSO (File System Object)
DIM AddMembRuleSuccess ' --- Flag to track added collection membership rule status
Public TargetCollectionName ' --- Store command-line argument for desired collection name to add a computer resource
Public NewComputerName ' --- Store command-line argument for desired computer resource to add to the collection
' === Script Environment
' *********************************************************************************************
' ===== Connect to provider namespace for local computer.
' *********************************************************************************************
Set lLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set gService = lLocator.ConnectServer(SMSServer, "Root\SMS\Site_" & SMSSiteCode)
' -- /// FileSytemObject already instantiated in subroutine ScriptPath() into object handle oFSO
' ********************************************
' ===== Script Start =======================
' ********************************************
ValdateArguments() ' --- Load command-line arguments into variables
ValidateComputerResource() ' --- Find computer name match in SMS "All Systems" table SMS_R_System
FindCollandAddMembRule() ' --- Find specific collection and add membership rule to the collection
' *************************************************************************************
' *************************************************************************************
' Subroutines
' *************************************************************************************
' *************************************************************************************
' *************************************************************************************
' **** Validate command-line parameters and load them into variables to be used
' **** by the script. Otherwise, display an error message and exit the script
' *************************************************************************************
Sub ValdateArguments() ' --- Load command-line arguments into variables
If wscript.arguments.count<> 2 Then
wscript.echo "Two arguments please - The collection followed by Computer Name"
wscript.quit ' --- quit if invalid number of arguments
TargetCollectionName = wscript. arguments(0)
NewComputerName = wscript. arguments(1)
End if
End Sub
' **************************************************************************
' **** Search the SMS_R_System table for a match to the computer name passed by the
' **** command-line argument, then store the corresponding SMS ResourceID
' **** in a variable.
' **************************************************************************
Sub ValidateComputerResource() ' --- Find computer name match in SMS "All Systems" table SMS_R_System
' --- Create object with query results from the SMS SQL table SMS_R_System
Set AllComputersSet = gService.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_R_System WHERE Name LIKE ""%" + NewComputerName + "%""")
' --- Iterate through the SMS_R_System table resultset (loaded into the variable "AllComputersSet")
' and match the name to be added. Then retreive the ResourceID for the corresponding computer record.
For Each AllComputersItem In AllComputersSet
If UCase(AllComputersItem.Name) = UCase(NewComputerName) Then
ResID = AllComputersItem.ResourceID
RuleName = "ResourceID = " & ResID & " " & AllComputersItem.NetBiosName
End If
End Sub
'**** Walk through the the whole list of SMS collections and search for a match to the
'**** desired collection. If the desired collection is sucessfully found, then
'**** add the Membership rule created in the subrioutine CreateSMSDirectRule() to the
'**** existing matched collection.
Sub FindCollandAddMembRule() ' --- Find specific collection and add membership rule to the collection
' --- Create object with query results from the SMS_Collection table
Set oCollectionSet = gService.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Collection")
AddMembRuleSuccess = "False" ' --- Initialize flag to indicate Added Collection Membership Rule Failed
' --- Walk through the list of SMS collections and find a match to the collection name passed by the
' command-line argument. If the collection exists, then add the new direct rule that includes
' the new computer name to the collection.
For Each CollListItem In oCollectionSet
If CollListItem.Name = TargetCollectionName Then
'**** Create a direct membership rule (spawn a blank instance) to add to an existing collection.
'**** Then give that instance the values it needs - this is REQUIRED
Set CollectionRule = gService.Get("SMS_CollectionRuleDirect").SpawnInstance_()
CollectionRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"
CollectionRule.RuleName = RuleName
CollectionRule.ResourceID = ResID
' ***** Add the direct membership rule to matched collection. ************
CollListItem.AddMembershipRule CollectionRule
If Err.Number = 0 Then ' --- If Error = 0, then adding membership was successful.
AddMembRuleSuccess = "True" ' --- Set flag to "True" to indicate memb. rule added Successfully
End If
End If
End Sub