Friday, December 19, 2008

Addtional AD attributes

If you want to pull additional AD information you simply need to add the AD attribute to the Discovery Agent. Below is an example of adding additional information.

User Discovery

Add department
Add title
Add lastloggedin

Now you can force a User Discovery or wait for the next round. Below is a query that you can use add to the Query Node and show computers and user information. The trick is that you need to create the query with instead of User or Resourse. Like other queries you will not have a right click function because it contains tables other than SMS_R_System.xxxxxx

select SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName,SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.UserName,SMS_R_User.title , sms_r_user.department from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_R_User on SMS_R_User.Username= SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName inner join SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM on SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId

Sunday, December 14, 2008

SCCM Package stalled on IIS 7 / Server 2008

I admit that I didn't solve this problem, I found the solution via Michelle Chang.

I was trying to push out Blackberry Desktop Manager but for some reason it would just stall. Now before when I had SCCM running under 2003 server it would go so I know it should work. Well after 2 days of hitting my head I did a search like all good IT people and found a post by Michelle Chang. Alot of us have jumped on the 2008 bandwagon and are sorting out issues for admins that come after. This is no different. Here is a copy of the post from TechNet. And yes it solved my problem.

--------------------- From post ----------
I've had a similar problem with this all week and just got this resolved with Microsoft. Package would start downloading to the local cache folder and then hours later I'm left with BIT*.tmp files and a WaitingContent status.

My Setup:

Server 2008, MSCCM 2007 SP1, IIS7, Vista Enterprise

The problem was in the portion of the ApplicationHost.config file. My package had a "Bin" folder nested in the setup files and I removed this line from the section:
I then restarted IIS and redeployed the package successfully.

The problem was in the portion of the ApplicationHost.config file. My package had a "Bin" folder nested in the setup files and I removed this line from the section:

This is the KB for reference:

Link to original post:

Hope this helps!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Can't Re-run Advertisment

Ever notice that some of your advertisements are missing the right click "Re-run" option. If so check the schedule for the advertisment. There is a good chance you have "As soon as possible" in the schedule." Remove it and then refresh. You should now have the re-run option back.