Wednesday, June 23, 2010

TechNet MSDN forum email notifications

If you are upset that you never had a response to a forum post for the last few weeks then you should have received it by now. The problem affected the platform used for MSDN and TechNet it shouldn't have affected Answers.

I knew it was fix sometime late today when my inbox was slowly filling up. It is almost like a mail que back log. About every 20 seconds I receive an email. If you are a heavy posted then I hope you don't have a small inbox. I am slowly looking at each email to see if I need to check the responses for each thread. Many I have been able to stay on top of by viewing my threads via my profile.

Well happy reading everyone. I am sure there are contributers that are a sleep right now and will awake with either a dead mobile device or an inbox that read (300 new messages)!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Topics every Configuration Manager admin should know

If you are looking at this blog you might an advanced SMS/ConfigMgr admin or you might just be hunting for information as you get more accustom to this product.

You should always read your docs and know what you should do first "look before you leap"

Here are some other good docs to read when getting started.

Prerequisites for Installing Configuration Manager

About Configuration Manager Client Installation Properties

Planning for PXE Initiated Operating System Deployments

Operating System Deployment in Configuration Manager

Step-By-Step Example Deployment of the PKI Certificates Required for Configuration Manager Native Mode: Windows Server 2008 Certification Authority

Friday, June 11, 2010

New blog site for System Center Vnext

You can never get enough information right.

Check out the blogs and information.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MMS 2010 DVDs

Well I received my MMS 2010 DVD in the mail today. Ironically tonight I recieved the email that notified me that they were shipped. Microsoft gets faster and faster. Maybe I live near the distribution center. Hope every receives their DVDs and enjoys them!