Well with this latest version came new pains. Virtualizing with Client 4.6 was a breeze. Testing the program and plugin worked fine. You still need to remember to use the "Add Application" and put in a shortcut for IE so you can have the Quicktime plugin active in that version of IE.
With this version the IE plugin didn't seem to worked on XP but did work on Win7. Virtualizing it different ways didn't remove the problem, "It would work fine on the Sequencer but not on the deployment test machine".
Each time you tried to view a Quicktime movie in IE the following problem would appear.
Quicktime failed to initialize. Error # 0.
Please make sure Quicktime is properly installed on this computer
After discussing it in the forums for a bit someone else figured out the problem.
It appears how XP and Quicktime handle the need for a file folder. Granted "Apple Application Support" was installed and the folder was in the package but the application was looking for "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support" and it wasn't going to look at the virtual one.
To solve this problem with XP you can do one of two things. Either create the physical folder for the use or allow App-V do it for you. The folder doesn't do anything but serve as a place holder and the rest of the application will use the virtual version.
If the users don't have adminstraive privs on XP then you will pass down a command to create the folder.
If the users do have administrative privs on XP then allow App-v to do it for you.
Open the OSD file for Internet Explorer and add this text:
<clientversion version="">
<script event="LAUNCH" protect="FALSE" timing="PRE" wait="TRUE">
<scriptbody>MD "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support"</scriptbody>
You could also use the cmd.exe to start the command if you like.