Wednesday, August 3, 2016

1E - Nomad, creating Pre-cache command file

While working on a project, I needed to cache a set of files but I didn't want to run the standard pre-cache process on multiple packages for a single or multiple machines and wait the standard time.

Step in PowerShell and the SMSNomad command.  SMSNomad is used to call for the package download and can be executed manually.  The command can be run on outside of SCCM and this was important when you have machines in different forests and you want them to have the same cache files before the forests merge. 

s   : Run in standalone mode (we don't rely on SCCM to do anything)
p: Package Path
ver: package version as seen in the console

Since I use custom ports my example will include that.  For the default ports of 80 or 443, leave it blank

Here is an example of the command we need to run:

"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="$/AB100002"  --prestage --ver=16

[Download the Configuration Manager package from site AB1, source version 16]

Let's get to the heart of what I was doing ;)

There are two parts, the first part pulls all the packages from a Task Sequence, the next pull all the Packages with a given name in the title and then pull Applications.

## SMSNomad.exe --s --pp="$/ABC0007A" --prestage --ver=27

#This code doesn't check to see if a deployment is present
#Pulling Application ContentID is terribly slow, recode!!
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1'
cd ABC:
$ServerPUll=""  #omit :1234 if you don't have custom ports running for IIS
$CacheCMD = "C:\Precache.bat"
$SCCMServer = "PrimaryServerName" #Server, Primary or CAS where the script can read the data from
$SCCMSiteCode = "XXX"  #Site Server code
 "REM create cache for Task Sequence (both Packages and Applications)"| Out-File -encoding Ascii -filepath $CacheCMD
#XXXXXX Should be replaced with the TAsk Sequence ID
$Ts= Get-CMTaskSequence -TaskSequencePackageId 'XXXXXXX'
$Ts.references  |  Foreach {
  if ( $_.type -ne 1)
     $PackageID  = get-cmpackage -ID $_.Package
     If ( $PackageID.PackageID.length -gt 0)
        "REM {0}" -f $PackageId.Name  | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
       """C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe"" --s --pp=""{0}/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/{1}""  --prestage --ver={2}" -f $Serverpull,$PackageID.PackageID, $PackageID.SourceVersion  | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
     else #not Package ID, this must be a WIM or boot media or not package
       $SpecialPackage= Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SCCMServer -Namespace Root\SMS\Site_$SCCMSiteCode -Class “SMS_Packagebaseclass” | where-object packageid -eq $_.Package 
       "REM {0}" -f  $SpecialPackage.Name  | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
       """C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe"" --s --pp=""{0}/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/{1}""  --prestage --ver={2}" -f $Serverpull,$_.Package, $SpecialPackage.SourceVersion  | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD

if ( $_.type -eq 1)  #Application
  #WMI is faster, so they say...
   $Application= Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SCCMServer -Namespace Root\SMS\Site_$SCCMSiteCode -Class “SMS_Application” | where-object Modelname -eq $_.Package  | Sort-Object ContentID -Descending | select LocalizedDisplayName -first 1
    "REM {0}" -f $Application.LocalizedDisplayName  | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
  $Content= Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SCCMServer -Namespace Root\SMS\Site_$SCCMSiteCode -Class “SMS_CIToContent” | where-object SecuredModelname -eq $_.Package | Sort-Object ContentID -Descending |Select ContentUniqueID -first 1  
    """C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe"" --s --pp=""{0}/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/{1}""  --prestage --ver=1" -f $Serverpull,$Content.ContentUniqueID    | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
 "REM create cache for  Packages"| Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
### (ABC) Pull Packags that have a (ABC) in the Name
  ###pull all data for a package based on its name
Get-CMPackage -Name "*(ABC)*" | Foreach {
 If ( $_.PackageID.length -gt 0)
     "REM {0}" -f $_.Name  | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
     """C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe"" --s --pp=""{0}/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/{1}""  --prestage --ver={2}" -f $Serverpull,$_.PackageID, $_.SourceVersion | Out-File -encoding Ascii  -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
###pull all the Applications for a App name
###  Pull Applications that have a (ABC) in the Name

 "REM create cache for  Applications"| Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
Get-CMApplication -Name "*(ABC)*" | Foreach {
  #WMI is faster here
   ## 26 SECONDS
    "REM {0}" -f $_.LocalizedDisplayName  |  Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD
  $Content= Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $SCCMServer -Namespace Root\SMS\Site_$SCCMSiteCode -Class “SMS_CIToContent” | where-object SecuredModelname -eq $_.ModelName | Sort-Object ContentID -Descending |Select ContentUniqueID -first 1  
    """C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe"" --s --pp=""{0}/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/{1}""  --prestage --ver=1" -f $Serverpull,$Content.ContentUniqueID   | Out-File -encoding Ascii -APPEND -filepath $CacheCMD

Output will look like this:

"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="http://SERVER.FOO.COM.DIR.SLB.COM:132/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/AB100002"  --prestage --ver=16
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="http://SERVER.FOO.COM.DIR.SLB.COM:132/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/AB1000AD"  --prestage --ver=7
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="http://SERVER.FOO.COM.DIR.SLB.COM:132/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/AB1004CD"  --prestage --ver=2
REM Application NAME 123456
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="$/Content_2eb63a6d-1be5-41bc-9ef7-814e079de693"  --prestage --ver=1
REM Application NAME 456789
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="$/Content_bab5aaad-4ce7-4c34-a3d4-a21e9fb89436"  --prestage --ver=1
REM Application NAME ABC
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="$/Content_65d72259-9477-4501-b1ed-ab2582bddfed"  --prestage --ver=1
REM Application NAME DEF
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="$/Content_a6ad7f31-b31e-46ea-9de5-343f0b2a1675"  --prestage --ver=1
REM Application NAME GHI
"C:\Program Files\1E\NomadBranch\SMSNomad.exe" --s --pp="$/Content_e5112d47-e477-4878-abc0-fa4830318f7f"  --prestage --ver=1